Circular hiking trail Darßer Ort (4 km)

Nature construction site


4 km

Dunes at Darßer Ort, © TMV/UB


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By bicycle or horse-drawn carriage, you can travel from Prerow to the Darßer Ort lighthouse. Little adventurers climb the 134 steps of the brick-red lighthouse Darßer Ort and are rewarded with a fantastic view over the treetops and the sea. At the foot of the lighthouse, the NATUREUM with beach and dune garden and exhibitions invites you on an exciting adventure journey into the unique flora and fauna of the Darß landscape. More than 30 different fish and invertebrates can be admired in the Baltic Sea Aquarium. A small café satisfies the hunger and thirst of hiking enthusiasts.

Loud noise announces the nearby Baltic Sea, along which the beach is about 800 m. Small explorers can find beautiful shells or even amber. In summer, a barefoot walk provides welcome refreshment for young and old. A wooden boardwalk soon leads through the dune landscape, right past 3 beach lakes. Built-out lookouts tempt you to climb and are ideal for observing animals, preferably with binoculars. In the distance deer, swans and countless migratory birds cavort. Through the magnificent nature of the Darß forest, the path leads hikers under shady trees back to the lighthouse.

Tip for families:
As an alternative to bike and carriage, the small Darßbahn runs a regular service between Darßer Ort and Prerow.

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Public transport:

Rail connection: Barth

More information

More info / links:

  • Marking: Signposts with route points
  • Tour tips: Prerow pier, Darß Museum, Darß forest, Darßer Ort lighthouse, Natureum, National Park of Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft.

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