The alpaca circuit begins and ends in Strasen. If you walk clockwise, follow the black signposts. Counter-clockwise, the route is marked with blue signposts. Along the way, the route leads past meadows and fields, along a section of very natural path and several times under imposing oak avenues. Part of the route also runs on a grass verge next to a road with little traffic. It is recommended that you walk on the side of the road where the cars come towards you. Shortly before Strasen, the trail runs along a former high-voltage road to keep a little distance from the road. There are rest stops along the way. A detour to Priepert is possible: here you can discover a beautiful church with a baptismal angel and impressive altar, a bandstand, an outdoor fitness park and a lovely beach. There are places to stop for refreshments in Priepert and Strasen. (seasonal opening times)
Route description
The starting point of the tour is the rest area at the entrance to Strasen, coming from the direction of Wustrow. If you go clockwise (i.e. following the black signs), the tour leads past the alpaca farm, turns left at the end of the area and then turns right again onto the natural path between the fields. Follow the path to the rest hut and then turn right along the oak avenue to Hartenland. Turn right there and at the end of the village turn left into the next oak avenue. Follow the path to Prieperter Chaussee, where you can make a worthwhile detour to Priepert to the left or follow the route to the right on the grass verge next to the road. The route passes through the Priepert brickworks and shortly before entering Strasen, you leave the grass verge next to the road and turn left onto the former power line. Follow this into the village. Then follow the sidewalk to the starting point of the tour.