You too can experience the fascinating world of wading birds on Rügen! Depending on the time of year, we observe species such as dunlins, ruffs, avocets and many other species that either use Rügen as a stopover on their long journeys or breed here.
My guided tour is aimed at all nature lovers - from curious beginners to experienced birdwatchers. Together we explore the different habitats, learn exciting details about the birds' behaviour and learn to recognize their characteristic calls. Europe's largest bird of prey, the white-tailed eagle, is also always in evidence.
Equipment: Weatherproof clothing and binoculars recommended
Discover the unique birdlife of Rügen with me and be amazed by the diversity of the limicoles!
Price: p.p. 20€. Persons under 18 years pay nothing if accompanied by a paying person.
Reservation under: 015735402154