| Cinematheque China
The happy marriage of young Sizhen, beautiful, clever and generally popular, is shaken when her husband, whose business unexpectedly flourishes thanks to her secret intervention, falls for a beautiful con artist who makes ever greater demands.
Stylistically reminiscent of Hollywood comedies of the time with brilliant acting performances. Shi Hui shines as the miserly father-in-law. This is one of the very successful collaborations between the young director Sang Hu and the modern, British-educated writer Eileen Chang, who takes aim at the life of the middle class in Shanghai with wit and sophistication. Eileen Chang (1920-1995), whose work as a novelist far overshadows that of her screenplays, wrote around 20 screenplays in the course of her life. As in her other writings, her main focus is on the emotional level of women, on the "ups and downs of a flowing life".
Konfuzius-Institut Stralsund e.V. in cooperation with the Institute of Sinology at the University of Vienna and the Kulturkirche St. Jakobi