with Jörg Wolfgang Becker
"Man thinks - God smiles"
Jörg Wolfgang Becker describes his new program with texts and songs from Hüsch to Wecker, Erhardt to Kästner and not least his own poetic-satirical thoughts and songs as philosophical-musical folly.
Becker uses his penchant for the philosophical combined with his delight in subtle clowning and the joy of scurrility to skewer everyday life, human dramas and world defects and present them with surprising punchlines.
He chats about God and the world, sometimes with a biting satirical edge, but mostly with a mischievous, overconfident undertone.
Becker skillfully accompanies and combines the texts with musical improvisations, playing with words and sound with relish, sometimes to the point of nonsense.
An entertaining, intelligent program with profound messages that encourages reflection and yet leaves room for confidence and joy.
Advance ticket sales: Tourist Information Baltic resort Boltenhagen
Ticket prices: € 22.00 / with spa card € 20.00