Translation and version by Joachim Lux
Director: Sascha Mey
Set design: Jörg Brombacher
The actors are: Berit Möller, Paul Lücke and Peer Roggendorf
STURM tells the story of Prospero, the rightful Duke of Milan, who was once dethroned by his brother and now lives on an uninhabited island with his daughter Miranda. There he subdues the islanders Caliban and controls the air spirit Ariel with his magic and spells. One day, when a storm causes a ship carrying his enemies to appear on the horizon, the tide turns and the time for his revenge seems to have arrived.
BUT: "All's well that ends well" ...
In Joachim Lux's adaptation, Shakespeare's Tempest is "radically but virtuously condensed" (Wiener Zeitung): The version focuses entirely on the three characters Prospero, Caliban and Ariel and their relationships with each other.
In 2007, the production had an audience-acclaimed premiere at the Burgtheater Vienna and brought the theater 10 years of sold-out and acclaimed performances.
William Shakespeare's (1564-1616) fairy tale The Tempest is his last and perhaps most poetic play, and as always he creates a whole world in this work that is not alien to our own.
Reservations: Tel.: 0381/ 203 60 84
BÜHNE 602, Warnowufer 55, 18057 Rostock
Advance ticket sales:
Mon - Fri from 10:00 - 12:00
Fri from 14:00 - 18:00
(no card payment possible)
or online:
The box office opens 1 hour before the performance begins.