Stralsund history(ies) in the Carl-Wilhelm-Scheele-Saal

11/19/24 in Stralsund

Unfortunately already over

Unfortunately, the event you have called is already in the past.

Lecture & Science

Wolf-Dieter Thormeier "Wallpaper in Stralsund's Old Town - A cultural asset of a different kind "

The art of wallpaper and its historical testimonies have so far received little recognition. Few museums and private collectors have taken care of their documentation and preservation, and many wallpapers and decorations have been destroyed due to ignorance. In Stralsund, many old wallpapers were saved and documented during the restoration of historic houses after reunification. The Stralsund restorer Wolf-Dieter Thormeier uses these examples to show the history of the development of wallpaper from its origins, through the heyday of wallpaper in the 18th and 19th centuries, right up to the present day. A historical journey into the decoration of Stralsund homes from handmade canvas wallpapers of the 18th century, through industrially printed paper wallpapers of the 19th and 20th centuries to woodchip wallpaper.

Good to know

Event dates
  • Tuesday, Nov 19, 2024 18:00 - 20:00 clock
Event Location

Romantik Hotel Scheelehof

Fährstraße 23-25
18439 Stralsund
+49 3831 283300
Contact the organiser

Heilgeiststraße 89
18439 Stralsund


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