Participants are provided with information on: Species identification, procedures for consultations and relocations, law and legislation relating to relocations, benefits of lizards for us humans.....
The State Institute for Nature Conservation and Sustainable
Development Mecklenburg-Vorpommern at the State Office for
Environment, Nature Conservation and Geology (LUNG) invites you to a two-day
day seminar. This time, regional consultants and resettlers will show you
how to resettle hornets, bumblebees and wasps and thus protect them.
protect them. The two-day course will cover the biology
of the animals, all aspects of active Hymenoptera protection and methods of relocation.
and methods for resettlement and there will be a focus on wild bees.
There will be a focus on wild bees. It will also show
will also show how prior consultations can be carried out to
avoid resettlement.
The focus of the seminar will be on the expanded knowledge
and the exchange of experience between the advisors already
and resettlers already active in the field of
will be. The aim is to further support those already active and
and to give newcomers the opportunity to become active themselves.
start themselves. To this end, advice will be given to citizens and
citizens and institutions, as well as presenting
various methods and tools are presented, especially for hornet
especially for hornet protection.
Last but not least, this course serves to get to know each other
and to exchange contact details.
Target groups: Hornet advisors and
(beginners and advanced), forestry offices
advanced), forestry offices, nature conservation authorities,
pest control operators, bee experts, environmental
experts, environmental education institutions
interested citizens