Is it possible to live in harmony with predators?
The wolf, bear, lynx and wolverine were thought to be almost extinct in Europe. However, they are now roaming almost all European countries again. In Romania and Italy in particular, news of bear attacks are making the rounds again and again. More and more livestock are also being killed by wolves in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The wolf is back in Germany. The presence of these animals is a sign of an intact ecosystem, yet some of them are a threatening competitor.
It is estimated that around 120 wolves live in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Even if the return of the wolf is a great success for nature and species conservation, more livestock is being killed as the population increases. Species conservation is an exciting topic, especially in the context of climate change. A permanent recolonization of brown bears in Germany cannot be ruled out in the long term. The predators are recapturing Europe - despite dense population and intensive agriculture.
The recovery of the population is creating social and economic problems. Conflicts arise between nature conservation organizations, hunters, etc. Conflict resolution strategies, funding opportunities and data on how to deal with large carnivores need to be collected. In addition, the Ministry of the Environment recorded a total of 47 bear attacks in 2021 and 2022. Some of them were fatal.
At our event, you can find out whether coexistence between humans and animals is possible and to what extent farmers need to fear for their livestock. Discuss with our speakers.