Religion and East Germany - (how) do they go together? An exchange of young Christian, Jewish and Muslim perspectives

Today in Rostock


The next dates:

  • Thursday, Sep 19, 202419:00 - 21:00 clock
Church Event, Lecture & Science

With a lecture by historian Dr. Olaf Glöckner and an exchange between three young believers and you, we want to discuss together.

Religious people are in the minority in eastern Germany. However, there is also a diverse religious life here.
What experiences do young religious people in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern have with Jewish, Muslim and Christian socialization in the secularized East German majority society?

2023 The "Denkfabrik Schalom Aleikum" has published the volume of essays "Glaubensspuren. Jewish, Muslim and Christian realities of life in East Germany". This publication is the background for these events.

We want to explore the tense relationship between religion and the East German context with a lecture by historian Dr. Olaf Glöckner and an exchange between three young people of faith.

Keynote speech: Dr. Olav Glöckner, Moses Mendelssohn Center at the University of Potsdam

Kaja Elisabeth Holz
Student teacher

Maria Lichtermann
Landesfrauenrat M-V

Mohammad Aman Anosh
Eine-Welt-Landesnetzwerk M-V

Religion and East Germany - (how) can they go together? An exchange of young Christian, Jewish and Muslim perspectives

You are cordially invited!
on: September 19, 2024
at :19:00 in the PWH

Click on the link below for the flyer. Participation is only possible after registration via e-mail to or the registration button and after receipt of a registration confirmation.
We look forward to seeing you!

Picture gallery

Good to know


This event is free of charge.

Event dates
  • Thursday, Sep 19, 2024 19:00 - 21:00 clock
Event Location

Peter Weiss House

Doberaner Straße 21
18057 Rostock
Contact the organiser

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Regional Office Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Arsenalstraße 8
19053 Schwerin


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