Unfortunately already over
Unfortunately, the event you have called is already in the past.
Unfortunately, the event you have called is already in the past.
Reading with live music from the Seebühne Hiddensee with "Caspar David Friedrich - Voices from the Sea of Fog" in Blüchers Scheune.
In the culture barn of the Kavaliershaus Schloss Blücher in Fincken, now a stylish suite hotel with a restaurant, a reading with music takes place a little later in the Schlösserherbst. The Seebühne Hiddensee, the maritime chamber theater, presents an interpretation of the work of "Caspar David Friedrich - Voices from the Sea of Fog".
On November 10 at 5 pm
Hofstraße 12
17209 Fincken
Hofstraße 12
17209 Fincken