A puppet show based on the fairy tale by Wilhelm Hauff
Inspired by the fairy tales of 1001 Nights, Wilhelm Hauff created a fairy tale that was first published in an almanac in 1826, 199 years ago. It is about Caliph Chasid and his vizier Mansor, who are transformed into storks. The sorcerer Kashnur plays a very nasty role. In the end, they both regain their human form and power, but they want revenge on Kaschnur. In our puppet show, you can find out how a wondrous owl helps them and what the magic spell "Mutabor" is all about.
Since January 2017, the Jewish community in Rostock has been running a theater project for amateur actors. This includes the "Mäusetheater", where you can try your hand at puppetry. This is a small puppet stage that is reminiscent of a theater out of a suitcase. Performances with puppets can be shown on a second, somewhat larger stage. By prior arrangement, certain plays can also be invited to your institution or school as guest performances.