The exciting adventures of the infamous Capt'n Flint from the popular Action Open Air Theater in Grevesmühlen continue in 2025! From June 20 - the weekend of the town festival - to September 6, 2025, visitors will once again be able to join the crew on a trip to the Caribbean Sea.
Capt'n Flint - The Pact with the Devil"
The year is 1706. After the wild, exciting escape from Grand Turk and a six-month odyssey through the vastness of the Caribbean Sea, Flint and his crew managed to reach the piece of land that would offer them safety in the future. For Flint it was the realization of the emergency plan, for Spike, Bonny and Bussard it was the entry into a new world. Their dreams had all been shattered. Was their new path revenge or oblivion? And could untold riches heal all wounds? Only Flint could provide the answers. And he did. The island was called Saint Georges Island. Everything was prepared here for Flint and his family: A roof over their heads, a harbor and dockyard for the ship, help and living space for everyone and an old, good friend. This friend was the keeper of Flint's greatest secret, a secret that lived up to its name and sealed the capt'n's future. Here in the vastness of the Atlantic, Flint forged his final, grand plan to leave the stage of history and the battle between good and evil forever. An interplay between oblivion, love and revenge allowed all those involved to reach top form once again, in order to stop the wheel of time for a blink of an eye in history with a huge explosion. But this could only succeed through a pact with the devil.
June 20 to September 06, 2025
Tuesday to Saturday at 7.30 pm
Sunday at 16.00
Duration of performance: 2.5 hours (including 25-minute interval)
Every Wednesday - family day!
Source, photos: adventure production Grevesmühlen GmbH