Nationwide Night of the Libraries

4/4/25 in Wismar

© Fred Zack

The next dates:

  • Friday, Apr 4, 202510:00 - 18:00 clock
Guided Tours & Tours, Children, Theatre & Stage, Literature

City library celebrates with Prof. Fred Zack, guided tour behind the scenes, picture book cinema and sleepover party for cuddly toys

City library celebrates with Prof. Fred Zack, guided tour behind the scenes, picture book cinema and sleepover party for cuddly toys

Wismar - On April 4, the first Night of the Libraries will take place nationwide. Naturally, the town library is also taking part with several activities.

The most important part is the reading by senior physician Prof. Dr. Fred Zack, who has published his most impressive and unusual cases in Rostock forensic medicine in his book "Tödlicher Norden" (Deadly North). He reports on everything from the crime scene work to the expert opinion to the final court judgment. In a captivating way, he gets to the bottom of how a woman was able to survive being shot in the head at close range, why a young man was brutally killed on his way home from a city party and why the number of shoes in the apartment can be the cause of a murder. He will be presenting this book in a reading in the library on April 4 at 7 pm. The professor of forensic medicine worked for 35 years in the district courts of Rostock and Schwerin.

Tickets for this reading with spectacular and true criminal cases are now available in advance for 5.00 euros at the city library. Advance bookings are possible at 03841 251 4020 or

Anyone interested can register for a guided tour behind the scenes from 5 p.m. at Anyone who has always wanted to know what the journey of the media from the shelf in the shops to the shelf in the library looks like and what is on offer beyond just borrowing media should quickly secure one of the limited places.

From 10 a.m. on April 4, children can drop off their cuddly toys for a sleepover party. The library team will document the adventures of the fluffy friends. The photos and the animals can then be collected again on April 5 during opening hours from 10 am to 1 pm. What might the cuddly toys experience?

Anyone who would like to have a suitable book read to them is welcome in the children's library at 5 pm. There will be an online reading with Katja Reider and her book "Bestimmer sein. How Elvis invented democracy" and a discussion with the author. Participation is free of charge. It is not necessary to register for this reading.

Picture gallery

Good to know

Event dates
  • Friday, Apr 4, 2025 10:00 - 18:00 clock
Event Location

City library in the armory

Ulmenstr. 15
23966 Wismar
Contact the organiser

Wismar City Library

Ulmenstraße 15
23966 Wismar


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