Mother-daughter weekend

7/19/24 in Dreilützow

190.00 €

per family

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Children, Nature, Outdoor Activity

19.-21.07.2024 Having a goal - aiming and letting go for mothers / grandmothers / (god)aunts with daughters / granddaughters / nieces / godchildren aged 8 and over

"If the bow of life continues, then it is the way of life. Learn that accurate shooting with a correct posture is something quite different from a shot fired with peace in the soul." (Paulo Coelho, The Way of the Bow).

Switch off right after school before the summer vacations (in MV) and go off on your own with your daughter/granddaughter/niece/godchild... Enjoy the activities together and exchange ideas with other women/girls. The bow and archery are metaphors that have a lot in common with us and our lives. We would like to go on a journey of discovery together with you and the girls! This weekend will not be about how often we hit the bull's eye. Rather, we will take note of how I feel when I prepare myself, stand up, feel the bow in my hands, place the arrow, pull out the string... aim... and let go. Am I calm? Or am I excited? We will be together indoors and outdoors with bow and arrow, but also in a creative and artistic way, playing and looking for the answers to the questions - maybe even building bows ourselves? The space where we can discover all this is a cozy accommodation at Dreilützow Castle.

Anyone interested can contact the Catholic Family Education Center Lübeck (landline: 0451-7098733; mobile: 0162-5154801 mail: or Schloss Dreilützow. A cooperation between Schloss Dreilützow and the Catholic Family Education Center Lübeck e.V.

Good to know


190.00 € per family

A minimum of 10 participants is required.

Costs: € 190.00 per family for accommodation, meals and materials

If the participant contribution exceeds your financial means, please also contact the Family Education Center in Lübeck.

Event dates
  • Friday, Jul 19, 2024 13:00 - 21:00 clock
Event Location
Contact the organiser


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