Ludwigslust Palace Concerts

6/21/25 in Ludwigslust

Foto 3, © Michael Schönborn

The next dates:

  • Saturday, Jun 21, 202518:00 - 19:30 clock
Classical Music

"Garden Songs" - With the Figural Choir Bonn

The Figural Choir Bonn was founded in 1982. It has around 35 singers and has made a name for itself primarily with the performance of rarely heard works and unusual programs. It mainly performs a cappella music, but also concerts accompanied by instrumental ensembles or with the participation of soloists. The outstanding works in the repertoire include premieres and first performances of small chamber choir works as well as large oratorios, the Christmas Oratorio or the St. John Passion by Bach, the Petite Messe Solennelle by Rossini, King David by Honegger, the Sept Chansons by Poulenc or the Verdi Requiem.


The finely coordinated works in the Garden Songs program, some of which are famous choral music from films, enchant every audience. In terms of content, the garden songs are reminiscent of the beauty of a castle park, says choirmaster Markus Michael. He has been the artistic director of the Figural Choir since February 2020. He first received violin lessons in his hometown of Telgte, and later also piano and organ lessons.

organ. He then completed a degree in church music in Cologne. As a cantor, he is responsible for the music at the Basilica of St. Gereon and St. Mauritius in Cologne city center.

Admission: 20,00 Euro, tickets are available at the box office or at the Ludwigsluster Stadtinformation

Admission: from 17:30


Picture gallery

Good to know


20.00 €

Admission: 20,00 Euro, tickets are available at the box office or at the Ludwigsluster Stadtinformation

Admission: from 17:30


Event dates
  • Saturday, Jun 21, 2025 18:00 - 19:30 clock online
Event Location

Ludwigslust city church

Stadtkirche Ludwigslust, Kirchenplatz
19288 Ludwigslust

Contact the organiser

Ludwigslust Castle Support Association e. V.

Sitz Schloss Ludwigslust
PF 1214
19282 Ludwigslust
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