Impulses for a good life, part 5: 500 years of resistance - for the land and for life. With Dr. Friederike Habermann (NOW/NET - Netzwerk Oekonomischer Wandel)
Impulses for a good life, part 5: 500 years of resistance - for the land and for life.With Dr. Friederike Habermann (NOW/NET - Netzwerk Oekonomischer Wandel).
2025 marks the 500th anniversary of the proclamation of the "Twelve Articles of the Peasantry" and the suppression of the "Peasants' War". This finally paved the way for private property, capitalism and the enclosure of the commons. But how can the demand that "to each according to his need, according to opportunity" be followed up today?
Each event starts at 7 pm,
admission is free and donations are welcome
Information and contact
Phone 0178-3330790
We look forward to meeting you,
Matthias Fersterer & the Klanghaus team