Kidical Mass Schwerin

9/22/24 in Schwerin

Kidical Mass Schwerin - a colorful family bike demo, © Radentscheid Schwerin

The next dates:

  • Sunday, Sep 22, 202415:00 - 17:00 clock

"Streets are for everyone!" is the motto of the colorful family demo. We cycle a child-friendly route under police escort. The start is on the south bank of Pfaffenteich, the finish is the playground at Werderhof.

The Kidical Mass is now a worldwide campaign, with over 500 cities taking part. "Roads are for everyone" is the motto of the demonstration. We want to ensure that all children can cycle safely and independently. This demonstration takes place in Schwerin in May and September. We ride a child-friendly tour with a police escort, lasting about an hour. As always, the cotton candy stand and many other surprises await us at the finish.

Please spread the word and tell your friends, colleagues, acquaintances and family. Spread the word in your daycare center or school. You can find more information about the nationwide campaign at

Picture gallery

Good to know

Event dates
  • Sunday, Sep 22, 2024 15:00 - 17:00 clock
Event Location

19053 Schwerin

Contact the organiser

Hagenower Straße 64
19061 Schwerin


in the region Mecklenburg-Schwerin

© Mario Lars

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