An exhibition of the Max Samuel House in Rostock
Why is there a seven-armed and an eight-armed candlestick? What does the Star of David mean? Why should you get drunk on Purim? Is there actually a hullabaloo? These and other questions are answered in the exhibition at the Max Samuel House. The exhibition provides a vivid and interactive introduction to fundamental questions about Judaism.
Admission: 4 € (up to 18 years, free with AStA-Kulturticket and Warnowpass)
Guided tours of the exhibition (also by arrangement): Tuesdays or Thursdays, 04.02. 20.02. 11.03. 01.04. 24.04. 06.05. each at 5 p.m.
Admission: € 7 (up to 18 years, free with AStA culture ticket and Warnowpass)