I Wish - Wishes for politics

6/7/25 to 6/9/25 in Neu Kaliß

Interventions in natural conditions, such as cutting back the floodplain forests along the Elbe so that the water drains away more quickly during extreme floods, are highly questionable. Sustainable flood protection is different.
Dr. Erich Bäuerle, 76, graduate oceanographer and exhibition designer, Neu Darchau, Lower Saxony., © Gerhard Westrich
Every decision made by democratically elected representatives must stand up to a timely assessment and, if necessary
lead to appropriate consequences. The limits of official immunity have currently far exceeded the tolerance of what is reasonable. Torsten Füchsel, 53, musician and graphic designer, Berlin, Berlin., © Gerhard Westrich
We have to accept the natural limits. The ideology of growth has had its day. Something new is needed so that this world can continue to exist.
Andrea Funcke, 55, small farmer, self-sufficient and landscape conservationist,
Walmsburg, Lower Saxony., © Gerhard Westrich

The next dates:

  • Saturday, Jun 7, 202510:00 - 20:00 clock
  • Sunday, Jun 8, 202510:00 - 20:00 clock
  • Monday, Jun 9, 202510:00 - 20:00 clock

A portrait of society by Gerhard Westrich. What is your most urgent wish for politicians? Political decisions have never been more important than they are today. This will not change in the future. The interests of the majority of the population should be given no less consideration than those of industry and business. Good politics must have the well-being of all people in mind - including that of future generations. This exhibition is an invitation to find out the answers to questions from people from different areas of our society and from many regions of Germany.

I Wish - A wish for politics
A portrait of society by Gerhard Westrich

I wish collects the needs, worries and wishes from all over Germany. The exhibition offers a platform on which people can express their voice. The more people express their wishes, the better the diversity of our society becomes visible in the portraits. The project enables people to have their say and thus contributes to active participation in our democracy. In doing so, it shows a range of wishes for politics and conveys these constructively to politicians. This is particularly important at a time when populist voices are becoming ever louder. It also reminds political decision-makers that the well-being of people and society should be at the center of all actions.

The aim here is to make voices visible that would otherwise not be heard and to strengthen social cohesion. The co-existence of the most diverse and sometimes conflicting wishes and needs on the website also promotes the development of core democratic skills. The more people take part, the more meaningful and relevant the project becomes.

It is a long-term documentary and artistic project. It follows the democratic principle of freedom of expression without providing a platform for anti-democratic voices. It allows people who deserve to be heard to express their most urgent wishes to politicians.

Picture gallery

Good to know

Event dates
  • Saturday, Jun 7, 2025 10:00 - 20:00 clock
  • Sunday, Jun 8, 2025 10:00 - 20:00 clock
  • Monday, Jun 9, 2025 10:00 - 20:00 clock
Event Location

Strasse des Friedens 10
19294 Neu Kaliß

Contact the organiser

Strasse des Friedens 10
19294 Neu Kaliß


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