The magical world of Ozobots awaits new adventures! During the February vacations and on January 11, children have the chance to become part of the creative theater project "An Ozobot's Fairytale". Newcomers are also welcome to experience the fascinating combination of robotics, storytelling and theater.
The workshop is organized by the Stralsund Children's Library in cooperation with the media workshop Identity Films e.V. and the Makerport Stralsund and is made possible as part of the "Kultur macht stark" funding programme. Thanks to this support, children aged 8 to 14 can enjoy a unique vacation experience that playfully combines technology and creativity.
Workshop dates:
Thursday, January 11: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
February vacation: Monday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. each day
Saturday (both vacation weeks): 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
During the workshop, the children develop their own stories, program Ozobot robots as the main characters and create imaginative stage sets from paper, LEDs, textiles and more.
The February vacations offer the perfect opportunity to either start or continue the project - over two whole weeks full of creativity and technical highlights.
Places are limited. Parents who would like to give their children a vacation experience full of imagination, teamwork and technology can register them now.
Contact and registration: 03831 253678 or
Experience the magic of robotics and theater - and be there when the Ozobots conquer the stage!