A trip into the blue. The GOLDWERK GALERIE as a guest at the Kunsthalle Kühlungsborn
The GOLDWERK GALERIE from Rostock is moving to the beautiful Baltic resort of Kühlungsborn with a fine selection from its gallery program - a trip into the blue, into the summer resort with a longing for adventure and pleasure. She is delighted and curious to accept the invitation of her host, the Kunsthalle Kühlungsborn, to present five unique artistic personalities from the Baltic Sea region: Malte Brekenfeld, Kate Diehn-Bitt, Arvydas Kašauskas, Wilfried Schröder and Janet Zeugner. Paintings, graphics, photography and sculptures by artists of different generations, artistic approaches to the world and perspectives will be exhibited from June 28 to August 31, 2025. And best of all: the artworks can be purchased! || www.kunsthalle-kuehlungsborn.de ||The
GOLDWERK GALERIE is located right in the city center in the monastery courtyard of Rostock's Kloster zum Heiligen Kreuz. It shows contemporary art with a great interest in young art, represents and sells national and international artists and presents painting and graphics, sculpture, porcelain, ceramics and glass, object art and photography. The gallery at Klosterhof 5, which opened in May 2020, offers changing exhibitions and cultural events.
www.goldwerk-galerie.de | kontakt@goldwerk-galerie.de | 0381 - 383 410 48 || THE
ARTISTS:INSIDE | Brekenfeld, Diehn-Bitt, Kašauskas, Schröder and ZeugnerMalteBrekenfeld (*1966)Surreal and whimsical with poetry and witMalte Brekenfeld's paintings are full of multi-layered details and ambiguous whimsicalities. As apt as they are surreal, as humorous as they are bizarre, the artist, who lives in a village near Teterow, brings together on canvas what does not seem to belong together - in terms of content and style. He counts Bosch and Breughel among his role models, as well as Ernst and Grosz - and, of course, Mother Nature, who he occasionally lets get involved. Inner thought patterns mingle with contemporary, zeitgeisty influences. According to the artist, the resulting pictorial worlds can be entered as if on a walk: What an offer to explain the world!"Kate Diehn-Bitt (1900-1978)Figures of magical power and landscapes of sinister clarityThe Rostock painter Kate Diehn-Bitt (1900-1978) is one of the most important artists of her generation in northern Germany. Her life span over three quarters of the 20th century encompassed major social crises, catastrophes and ruptures, which are reflected in her work - in figure compositions of unusually magical power as well as in landscapes full of dark clarity - in a way that is as characteristic as it is individual, with great artistic versatility. Kate Diehn-Bitt's (human) paintings impress with their clear structure, restrained to distinct colors and profound competence.Arvydas Kašauskas (*1959)Masterful interplay of light and shadowThe Lithuanian monumental painter Arvydas Kašauskas is a master of the interplay of light and shadow. "Recognizable motifs, absolute color hearing, structural compositions, subtle textures and the depth of feeling that is communicated in the paintings - that is good painting." (Ainė Jacytė) "Kašauskas' paintings are a report on Lithuania, composed of many series and individual shots, a documentation and even an examination of the Lithuanian landscape." (Vidas Poškus) In its fragments and panoramas, it is fixed and immortalized - illuminated by sunlight and appreciated by the painter's gaze.Wilfried Schröder (*1945)A collector of realities in the fleshThe work of the Kühlungsborn-based artist Wilfried Schröder reflects that human depth that does not reduce the subjective to general validity, but brings it forth as an expression of devotion and compassion. With enormous power and forcefulness in the artistic truthfulness of not being able to be different, his works always combine an inner, spiritual reality with the concrete, visible being. The subject of the examination is always the individual, his everyday sensitivity, vulnerability and sensuality, with which the artist unites in the act of strength of the creative process.Janet Zeugner (*1977)Photography as a medium of the highest (in)credibilityThe Rostock photographer Janet Zeugner is interested in "photographic painting": among photographers, she is a painter who uses technical, chemical means to intervene in a subject in long experimental processes, thereby changing and alienating the (often) human image. In series such as "Vegetation" or "The Decay", her memory work contains figurative elements that are placed in an organic context. What sounds theoretical seemingly dissolves the boundaries between photography and painting and possesses a high sensual and aesthetic power - as well as a tendency towards the lyrical.Illustrations:Malte Brekenfeld - Die Regatta der Narren, oil on canvas, 120 x 150 cm, 2021Wilfried Schröder - Allein, color woodcut, 49.5 x 42 cm, 2007Kate Diehn-Bitt - o. T. [The blue animal], collage, 20.5 x 30 cm, 1975Janet Zeugner - Landscape, C-print on Florix, 15 x 32 cm, 2019Arvydas Kašauskas - Kompozicija, oil on canvas, 90 x 100 cm, 2017-2024