We hike along old, tree-lined country paths in the direction of the Great Jasmund Bodden. You will learn lots of interesting facts about self-sufficiency with wild herbs and tree products. You can also taste samples from the forest and meadows.
Just 150 years ago, people still generally used wild plants to feed themselves. People ate what grew in their immediate surroundings. With the increasing industrialization, also of food, the knowledge of this dwindled. Today, we are once again turning to plants from meadows, forests and city parks, especially as they are often much richer in vitamins and aromas than fruit, vegetables and herbs from the supermarket.
On the guided tour through a wooded area in Glowe to the Bodden, you will be introduced to edible wild plants and trees, with recipes! You can also taste samples from the forest and meadows.
Tour: approx. 3 hours, along hiking route 7 in the direction of Weddeort Glowe
Participation only possible with advance booking
Contact/registration: Glowe tourist information office, tel. 038302/5221, info@glowe.de
Costs: free of charge