Film and talk "Caspar David Friedrich - The Romantic painter of ideas"
In 2006, the film "Caspar David Friedrich - Der Gedankenmaler der Romantik" was made with Marco Bahr in the leading role and directed by former Greifswald resident Thomas Frick. The film was shot in the rooms of the soap factory in the basement of the Caspar David Friedrich Center in Greifswald, as well as on Rügen, Dresden, Grevesmühlen and Ludwigslust. Other roles are played by Karoline Hugler, Alexander Schubert, Eduard Burza, Stefan Möller Titel, Lars Wasserthal, Uwe Zerbe, as well as the then director of the Hamburg Kunsthalle Prof. Hubertus Gassner and the psychiatrist Carsten Spitzer. The narrator is Gert Heidenreich. In a film talk, the director and main actors of the film will answer questions about the shooting and their personal relationship to Caspar David Friedrich. The venue is the St. Spiritus.