9/7/24 to 10/27/24 in Putbus

© Christine Lengtat

The next dates:

  • Wednesday, Sep 18, 202413:00 o'clock
  • Thursday, Sep 19, 202413:00 o'clock
  • Friday, Sep 20, 202413:00 o'clock
display all other dates

Alumnae of the 5th round of mentoringKUNST

With its current exhibition, Galerie Circus Eins is hosting alumnae from the 5th round of the mentoringKUNST program of the Berufsverband Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V. Eight artists and three authors who have successfully completed the demanding mentoring program will be presented at FIAT500. These include the artists Juliane Borths, Karla Kurz, Christine Lengtat, Anna Rose, Laura Schöning, Annemarie Selleng, Isabella Trybula, Kairi Uibo-Müggenberg and the authors Sarah Winkelhöfer, Anne Zandt and Maria Zendeh.

The exhibition marks the end of the professionalization programme and shows works that provide exemplary information about their respective artistic work. The artists have also developed the concept for a small catalog, which will be published in a slipcase to accompany the exhibition.


The title of the exhibition alludes with a wink to the current situation of the artists. In Latin, "fiat" means it will or may appear, but of course FIAT500 is also the name of a very small car. The title thus outlines the vision that the guild of female artists in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern may proliferate, but also points to the fact that long distances have to be covered to reach the flatlands of the region and that art may initially have to be transported in small cars.


The themes and media of the participating artists' artistic practice are diverse. Their orientation is diverse and the encounter in the FIAT500 show is rather coincidental. On display are paintings, drawings and installations, but also sculptures and objects. Figurative painting can be seen as well as the conceptual examination of landscape and nature and surreal, grotesque everyday scenes. Socio-political themes range from feminist self-questioning to political history. The authors move in the realm of fairy tales and fantastic stories and will present manuscript pages, text excerpts and video readings, among other things.


The exhibition provides an insight into the work of female artists in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, who take different paths to shape their professional careers. The show is complemented by a reading by the authors with a moderated discussion.

The project builds on the mentoringKUNST programme, which aims to promote and professionalize female visual artists and authors from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and is funded by the Ministry of Justice, Equality and Consumer Protection M-V from the European Social Fund.

The exhibition and slipcase are organized by the Kulturwerk des Berufsverbands Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V., which is funded by the Ministry of Science, Culture, Federal and European Affairs of the State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The exhibition and catalog were supported by the Fund for Vorpommern and Eastern Mecklenburg, the Sparkasse Vorpommern and the Foundation for Volunteering and Civic Engagement in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V. Reading & Talk on October 5, 2024 are sponsored by the LiteraturRat MV as part of KUNST HEUTE - zeitgenössische Kunst erleben in MV.

Picture gallery

Good to know

Event dates
  • Saturday, Sep 7, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Sunday, Sep 8, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Wednesday, Sep 11, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Thursday, Sep 12, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Friday, Sep 13, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Saturday, Sep 14, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Sunday, Sep 15, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Wednesday, Sep 18, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Thursday, Sep 19, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Friday, Sep 20, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Saturday, Sep 21, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Sunday, Sep 22, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Wednesday, Sep 25, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Thursday, Sep 26, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Friday, Sep 27, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Saturday, Sep 28, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Sunday, Sep 29, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Wednesday, Oct 2, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Thursday, Oct 3, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Friday, Oct 4, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Saturday, Oct 5, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Sunday, Oct 6, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Wednesday, Oct 9, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Thursday, Oct 10, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Friday, Oct 11, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Saturday, Oct 12, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Sunday, Oct 13, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Wednesday, Oct 16, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Thursday, Oct 17, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Friday, Oct 18, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Saturday, Oct 19, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Sunday, Oct 20, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Wednesday, Oct 23, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Thursday, Oct 24, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Friday, Oct 25, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Saturday, Oct 26, 2024 13:00 o'clock
  • Sunday, Oct 27, 2024 13:00 o'clock
Event Location
Contact the organiser


Circus 1
18581 Putbus


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