Dorow wild herb days in fall

Tomorrow to 9/21/24 in Grammendorf

Mugwort and lime secco with pine tips, mint and ginger, © BLÄTTERRAUSCH | Christina Straße

The next dates:

  • Friday, Sep 20, 202410:00 - 17:00 clock
  • Saturday, Sep 21, 202410:00 - 17:00 clock
Culinary, Nature

Join us on a journey of discovery into the wild Trebel Valley in Vorpommern. Over two intensive days, we will collect and process autumnal wild herbs and prepare a delicious, multi-course meal. Extensive script included. Date: 20-21.09.24, 10-17 hrs. Location: Gärtnerei Schnelles Grünzeug, 18513 Grammendorf

Welcome to the Dorow Wild Herb Days organized by "Schnelles Grünzeug", the nursery that has made wild herbs socially acceptable in Germany's top gastronomy. The event will be hosted by wild herb expert Christina Straße from BLÄTTERRAUSCH, who has long been closely associated with the nursery.
This two-day intensive workshop focuses on the autumnal variety of edible native wild plants and their use in the kitchen.

On the first day, our hike takes us to the nearby, scenic Trebel Valley and the adjacent meadows and forests. In about five hours we will discover and harvest wild herbs of the fall season: on the hike we will taste and collect various plants as well as flowers, leaves and fruits from trees and shrubs. The day ends with an excursion to the Schnelles Grünzeug nursery: we learn about typical seasonal garden herbs and their culinary uses.

On Saturday, we will process what we have collected. In the morning, we will create various wild herb-based products in the kitchen of the Fermente-Manufaktur, which can be taken home at the end of the workshop.
Later in the day, we will prepare a tasty seasonal wild herb menu using the collected herbs and fruits.
We enjoy the delicacies we have prepared ourselves at the richly laid table and bring the two intensive workshop days to a relaxed close with good conversation.

Picture gallery

Good to know

Event dates
  • Friday, Sep 20, 2024 10:00 - 17:00 clock
  • Saturday, Sep 21, 2024 10:00 - 17:00 clock
Event Location

Olaf Schnelle

Dorow 8
18513 Grammendorf
Contact the organiser

Christina Straße

Onkel-Tom-Str. 115
14169 Berlin


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