Author Burkhard Wetekam presents his new Baltic Sea crime thriller Letzte Ausfahrt Hiddensee This time the story takes private investigator Tom Brauer to the island of Hiddensee, where a decades-old crime, an enigmatic encounter and a mysterious death form the backdrop for a gripping criminal case. For fans of the series: This is the fifth adventure by Tom Brauer, who first investigated in the Barth crime thriller Totenstille im Watt.
Wetekam, known for his gripping stories and precisely drawn characters, combines exciting investigations with the unique atmosphere of the Baltic Sea coast in his crime novels. The author, who is also active as a playwright and radio playwright, provides exciting insights into his current work and the genesis of the series.
Wetekam has been writing prose, novels, radio plays and for the theater for many years. He is the author of a series of crime novels set on the Baltic Sea. Here and in other publications, he has often dealt with the relationship between man and nature. He has received several prizes and scholarships (including the Ruhr Area Literature Prize, a scholarship from the Prose Writers' Workshop of the Literary Colloquium Berlin, a working scholarship from the state of Lower Saxony, the KURT 2021, the Literature Prize of the Autor:innenkonferenz Hannover).
Be there when Barth once again becomes the setting for great literature - and be inspired by Wetekam's latest crime thriller!