Richard Grosse's crime novels "Mordshochhaus", "Russebgold", "Schrittfehler" and "Tod im Aufbruch" have been published. On January 16, Florian Lukas will read for the third time from one of the books, "Schrittfehler", set in East Berlin in the Charite...
Crime thriller "Schrittfehler"
East Berlin, 1980: In the cardiology department of a renowned
clinic, patients die who have had a pacemaker
pacemakers are dying. The men are
were operated on as part of a clinical trial to introduce
pacemaker therapy. All of them suffered from
a particularly severe form of arrhythmia.
Although the operations were without complications and the pacemakers
pacemakers appeared to work without any problems, the men died
the men died of heart failure before they were discharged.
Coincidence or murder?
After the third death, Karl Bircher, Major of the
police, launches an investigation that initially focuses on the
the doctors and scientists involved in the study.
involved in the study. To his astonishment, he soon realizes
that the gentlemen have something else in common
- a special interest in the attractive wife of the
senior physician's attractive wife. And then a high-ranking
official from the Ministry of Health...