Book launch: "The weather was stormy on Rügen, I drew..."

3/29/25 in Greifswald

© Jakob Knapp: Rügen bis Stralsund, 1818, aus: Auf Rügen war stürmisches Wetter, ich zeichnete... Die 7 Rügen-Reisen des Caspar David Friedrich 1801 bis 1826, INSULA RUGIA e.V., Putbus 2024, S. 139.

The next dates:

  • Saturday, Mar 29, 202517:00 - 00:00 clock

A graphic novel about Caspar David Friedrich's seven journeys to Rügen

With this graphic novel about Caspar David Friedrich's seven journeys to and on Island of Rügen, Jakob Knapp (drawings and maps), Hannes Knapp (scientific advice and research) and Holger Teschke (text) present a book that uses Friedrich's sketchbooks, letters and diary entries in seven illustrated stories and accompanying maps to tell not only of the painter's travels, but also of his adventures and encounters on the island. Much of this is documented in the records of his contemporaries, but some is also fictitious - as it could well have been. Between Altefähr and Arkona, Friedrich encounters such famous Rügen residents as Ernst Moritz Arndt, Johann Jakob Grümbke and Charlotte von Kathen. He sails with fishermen across the Baltic Sea and Bodden, draws farmers' wives and children on the Mönchgut and has them tell him Low German fairy tales and legends of the island.

A book that allows adults and children to travel back in time to the years between 1801 and 1826 and is intended to inspire them to explore Rügen in the footsteps of Caspar David Friedrich. It is published by the association INSULA RUGIA e. V. with the support of the Fund for Vorpommern and Eastern Mecklenburg, the Sparkassenstiftung Vorpommern, the Dr. Budde Foundation and the district of Vorpommern-Rügen and can be obtained from the association INSULA RUGIA:

29.03.2025 - 5 p.m.
Cost: €3.50 p.p.

You can register from Tuesday to Saturday between 11:00 and 17:00 by telephone on: 03834/884568, in person at the Caspar-David-Friedrich-Zentrum or by e-mail at:

Picture gallery

Good to know

Event dates
  • Saturday, Mar 29, 2025 17:00 - 00:00 clock
Event Location
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