At the career orientation fair BOMS, numerous companies from various sectors will present job entry opportunities in the Ludwigslust, Grabow and Neustadt-Glewe region.
On March 16, 2024, the time has come again: at the BOMS career orientation fair, numerous companies from various sectors will present job entry opportunities.
The aim is to showcase the wide variety of companies and (vocational) training opportunities in the region and bring school pupils and career starters together with companies and institutions.
BOMS also provides information about dual and part-time degree courses, internships, vacation jobs and stays abroad after graduation.
Attendance is free of charge and no ticket is required. The fair takes place in the Stadthalle Ludwigslust and in the sports hall of the Goethe-Gymnasium Ludwigslust.
The fair is organized by the regional management of the A14 city association and the city partners Ludwigslust and Grabow, the city of Neustadt-Glewe and other partners such as the IHK zu Schwerin, the Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Südwestmecklenburg mbH, the Bauernverband Ludwigslust e.V. as well as the GiBB GmbH and the Bundesagentur für Arbeit Ludwigslust.
Many companies have already registered. There are still places left.
At the same time as BOMS, there will be an open day at the DeveLUP start-up and foundation center. DeveLUP is located in the immediate vicinity of the trade fair, so the visits can be ideally combined. Guided tours of the DeveLUP are also planned.