Painting with anything that works: coffee, surface smoother, toilet paper, acrylic paints, synthetic resin binder, linseed oil, turpentine substitute, pigments.
I am on the trail of the event. The impulse that makes me want to paint. Sometimes I pick something up, put it on the canvas - and it prompts me to do something else. I could slow myself down to follow a previously conceived idea, but the idea is from yesterday and is no longer important, so I follow the new idea. Sometimes the idea and the new idea come very close and sometimes the idea dissolves into a new expanse. So every picture has its own story, its own path and its own context. Images transport experiences and connect emotions. That is why I would like to take you with me into the world of these pictures.
Opening hours
Pentecost: Sat - Mon 10 am - 4 pm