Organic farm "Hof Hoher Schönberg" with arable farming, oilseed farming, horticulture and livestock farming, managed in an organic or biodynamic, original, artisanal way and partly according to historical models (museum farm). Special branch of the farm: an oil mill. We sell in our own organic farm store.
The organic farm "Hof Hoher Schönberg" is situated in a secluded location in the Klützer Winkel in Northwest Mecklenburg, near the Baltic Sea. The former leasehold farm from 1860 includes about 25 hectares of land in a rounded location. We manage the farm with arable, oilseed and horticulture as well as livestock in an ecological or biodynamic, original, artisanal way and partly according to historical models (Mueseumsbauernhof). This means that our animals are kept in a traditional way and we produce all of our own feed such as hay, straw, beets and grain. As a special branch of the farm, we operate an oil mill and press vegetable oils rich in nutrients in nutritional organic raw food quality using a specially developed process. The pressed oil seeds, kernels and nuts come in part directly without transport routes from our own cultivation of the organic farm. In total, we produce daily to weekly fresh 25 therapeutically highly effective, different oils with our water-cooled raw food oil mills. In the farm economy, we strive to close cycles. For example, we use the press cake from the oil mill as animal feed or directly as fertilizer to return these nutrients to the soil. We, that is currently 18 people who work on the "Hof Hoher Schönberg" in the most diverse areas and continue to develop and expand it: in agriculture with oilseed cultivation, in vegetable cultivation, in animal husbandry, in the nursery with historic roses and with small fruit tree propagation as well as in the oil mill and in the organic farm store.