Academy of Art Culture and Recreation - a creative magical place to work creatively. Workshops, courses and events in various fields are offered.
In the midst of the Sternberg lake district, in the small village of Woserin, the manor house is located in a hollow, directly on the large Woserin Lake. Pure nature and idyll. Since 2018, Sabine Puschmann and Michael Tabukasch have kissed the historic house awake and transformed it into a small fine private art academy. Thus, the manor house with its wonderful lakeside location has become a very special place to work creatively and escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. In the workshops and courses offered by renowned artists meet people who want to be artistically active in a protected athmosphere, whether as a beginner or advanced, all are welcome. In the house there are beautiful rooms for rent, lovingly prepared by the landlady Sabine Puschmann, who is also artistically active in the Akadmie.