The KRANORAMA at Lake Günz is a modern and accessible observation station for cranes, which was opened in 2015. It is located near Groß Mohrdorf and allows undisturbed and natural observations, also of other resting birds and birds of prey.
In autumn, the cranes can usually be found from September to early November. They also make a brief stopover in the spring, especially in March. During the day they can be found on harvested grain fields and especially on harvested corn fields, where they eat the energy reserves necessary for the onward flight. In the adjacent fields of the Kranorama, the birds are fed, which is why it is very likely to sight cranes there. Please note: Under no circumstances should the cranes be disturbed, because undisturbed stopovers with extensive feeding are essential for the survival of the large birds. Therefore, it is best to wear muted colors and move quietly.
The Kranorama offers an audiovisual exhibition and a live broadcast from the field. Starting in April, the Kranorama goes on a summer break before reopening for the fall break. Outdoor observation is nevertheless possible outside opening hours.
Admission is free for families and individuals. However, as the Kranorama is mainly financed by donations, donations are welcome. For guided groups of eight or more people (including guide), a fee of two euros per person is charged.